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Document Title: [Mr. Do! Series Tech.html (html file)]

"Mr. Do!", "Mr. Do!'s Wild Ride", "Mr. Do!'s Castle", "Do Run Run" pinouts

"Mr. Do!", "Mr. Do!'s Wild Ride", "Mr. Do!'s Castle", "Do Run Run" Pinouts

Submitted by James R. Twine.(TWINE57@SNYDELVA.BITNET)

                      -> Mr. Do! Series Connector <-  

Name Of Games: The "Mr. Do!" Series:  "Mr. Do!", "Mr. Do!'s WildRide",
               "Mr. Do!'s Castle", "Do Run Run".

    1)  This PinOut sheet is INCOMPLETE!  I will update it when I have time to 
        experiment with the game some more, but this contains enough to get it
        up, running and playing. [Updated on 12/30/95]
    2)  The sound that comes from the board requires an external amp.  More
        info l8r! [Still no details[

            Solder Side            |             Parts Side
                           GND | A | 1 | GND
                           GND | B | 2 | GND
                            +5 | C | 3 | +5
                            +5 | D | 4 | +5
                               | E | 5 | V. Sync
                               | F | 6 | H. Sync
                               | H | 7 |
                           +12 | J | 8 | +12
                               | K | 9 |
                     Audio Out | L | 10|
               Audio Out (ref) | M | 11|
                   Slam Switch | N | 12|
                        2P  Up | P | 13| 1P Up
                               | R | 14|
                     2P  Right | S | 15| 1P Right
                               | T | 16|
                      2P  Down | U | 17| 1P Down
                               | V | 18|
                      2P  Left | W | 19| 1P Left
                               | X | 20|
                     2P  Start | Y | 21| 1P Start
                     Video Red | Z | 22| 1P Fire/Throw
                   Video Green | a | 23| 2P Fire/Throw
                    Video Blue | b | 24| Coin  (1)
                    Comp. Sync | c | 25| Coin  (2)
                           GND | d | 26| GND
                           GND | e | 27| GND
                           GND | f | 28| GND

From: klibby@ede.sanders.lockheed.com (Kevin D. Libby)

1)      A,B,1,2 are connected together on circuit board
2)      C,D,3,4 are connected together on circuit board
3)      J,8 are connected together on circuit board
4)      d,e,f,26,27,28 are connected together on circuit board
5)      According to my logic diagrams, horizontal and vertical sync appear
        unconnected.  My machine uses the composite sync.
6)      Audio out is low voltage and requires a separate amplifier
7)      +12v does not appear to be used on the logic board.  It is simply a
        "pass thru" from the power supply to the audio amp
8)      2nd player connections are for table top model